Companionship-transport for medical appointments or errands

From the member’s home, the volunteer drives the member to their appointment. Depending on their needs, it may not be necessary for the volunteer to enter the building. This service provides security for seniors as well as the opportunity to socialize and choose their own items when shopping. It usually lasts between 3 and 4 hours. 

A valid driver’s licence is required. Volunteers would also need to update their insurance policy and inform their provider about their new activities, unless they plan on driving our vehicle.

Companionship for medical appointments or errands

This service can be for medical appointments as well as small errands such as groceries, going to the bank or to tax professional offices. Unlike the companionship-transport service, there is no need to drive. This can be done by walking, using public transport or taxi.

 Group groceries

This service promotes social activities by driving multiple members to a predetermined grocery store. This gives them a moment to meet, and enables them to choose fresh ingredients themselves. A volunteer picks them up at home and provides a safe and secure ride. 

Vaccination clinic support 

Our team has provided support during the vaccination of local seniors, in partnership with low-cost housing community workers and the community organizer. This was an opportunity to make our target audience more aware of our services. A shuttle service was also set up to help seniors reach the nearest vaccination site if their low-cost housing did not offer the vaccination service.


Care calls

Volunteers and members speak over the phone on a regular basis for approximately 30 minutes to see how they are doing. This allows to stay in touch and creates a sense of security.

Information, references, income tax clinics 

In case of a need our services do not cover or any other question, we will do our best effort to locate the relevant resource in the community, to inform and to direct you to it. Volunteers have also been trained by low-cost housing community workers to help members fill in their income tax forms. 

Friendly visits

A volunteer is paired with a beneficiary for a regular visit in order to exchange views, offer reading support or go for a coffee. The goal is to develop a personalized relationship that helps break isolation.

Food aid delivery

SBA works in partnership with Maison d’Entraide St-Paul et Émard in order to increase the distribution of food aid baskets to local seniors. 


What's this?

A caring community made up of local citizens and partners to locate, guide and answer the needs of seniors within Ville-Émard/Côte St-Paul.

By who?

A project driven by Services Bénévoles aux Aînés de Ville-Émard/St-Paul, in partnership with the senior’s committee by Concertation and sponsored by Centre d’Écoute Montérégie.

How are volunteers making a difference?

With their diverse interventions, the volunteers (RADAR Citizens) form a valuable social safety net. They keep an eye out for any sign of needed assistance to ensure the highest number of local seniors are heard and guided to the relevant resources within the neighbourhood.

The main referencing themes

Food aid • Companionship/transport for medical appointments and errands • Delivery • Help line • Home maintenance • Assistance to caregivers • Home respite • End-of-life care • Psychosocial support • Legal aid • Housing law • Hobbies and exercise • Volunteer activities/social participation

The ins and outs of the referencing system


P’tit déj-aîné
Inspiré du besoin de nos membres de créer un espace de rencontres conviviales en toute légèreté, avec un transport en toute sécurité, le p’tit déj-aîné est un rendez-vous matinal mensuel ou déguster un excellent repas en bonne compagnie, chapeauté par des chauffeurs bénévoles et des citoyennes organisatrices.

Écrivaines Urbaines
Une activité par et pour les aînés, livrant littéralement de la joie à domicile… C’est la création, la rédaction et l’envoi mensuel de cartes d’anniversaires personnalisées concoctées avec amour, pour tous nos membres.

Lutins des Fêtes
Cadeaux, pensées personnalisées et cartes des Fêtes préparées avec soins par des Citoyen.nes RADAR motivé.es, le tout posté à domicile ou remis en personne lors d’une rencontre festive.

Événements festifs
Suivant nos inspirations du moment, des bénévoles mettent mains à la pâte pour concrétiser des événements diversifiés et dynamiques pour la communauté, tant à distance qu’en présentiel!

Appels saisonniers de filet social de sécurité
Grâce à l’implication de plusieurs citoyens, ces appels visent à écouter, revalider notre soutien et repérer des personnes ayant potentiellement besoin d’un coup de main, afin qu’ils soient référés vers les ressources appropriées à leurs besoins.


Nous sommes extrêmement fiers d’être soutenus par la Fondation Grace Dart / Grace Dart Foundation

Encouragé par leur confiance en notre beau projet de communauté, RADAR St-Paul/Émard célèbrera bientôt son 5ème anniversaire! De la part de toutes les personnes que nous soutenons UN IMMENSE MERCI!